Will McCarthy
BEc (Hons 1)
✆ +61 2 9250 0800
✉ wmccarthy@thecie.com.au
Will is an economist with experience in supporting business cases and developing economic appraisals for large-scale infrastructure projects across four sectors: transport, property, environment and sport. He has worked on a range of economic and feasibility analyses for private and government clients in Queensland and NSW.
Will is proficient in applying spatial analysis tools using GIS software, such as ArcGIS and QGIS, for mapping and data analysis. He has a special interest in the interaction between economics, GIS and the emerging field of data science. A number of his previous engagements have involved the use of Google Maps API, which he accessed using the programming language R and used in conjunction with GIS software for visualisation. He firmly believes that data from unconventional sources can be valuable in answering difficult economic questions, particularly in engagements where there is a lack of data provided by the client.
Will received a Bachelor of Economics (Honours) from the University of Queensland. His Honours thesis explored the behavioural economic foundations of gambling over time.