Victoria’s draft 30-year infrastructure strategy
The CIE congratulates Infrastructure Victoria on the release this week of Victoria’s draft 30-year infrastructure strategy 2025-2055.
The CIE is pleased to have supported the development of this strategy with several pieces of major research over the past few years. This research includes:
Our modelling of the social marginal cost of public transport in Victoria, which quantified the costs and benefits from changes to the level and structure of public transport subsidies. Read more here,
Our choice experiment survey of more than 6000 Victorian households about preferences for housing. The detailed consumer preference model developed as part of this study was used, for example, to estimate how many people would choose a townhouse or three-bedroom apartment in inner and middle suburbs over a standalone house in a greenfield area when relative prices change. Read more here.
Our assessment of the impacts, costs and benefits of five urban development scenarios for accommodating growth across Victoria - Compact City, Consolidated City, Dispersed City, Network of Cities and Distributed State. We found the Compact City and Consolidated City scenarios performed more strongly across a range of impacts including changes in accessibility, alignment to housing preferences, business productivity, environmental impacts and infrastructure costs. Read more here.
Our projections of demand for education infrastructure in 2036 and 2056 to guide investment decisions for primary, secondary, and kindergarten facilities under various scenarios. The results underscore both the challenges and opportunities, showing that strategic investments can save billions while expanding access to quality education where it’s needed most. Read more here and here.
Our estimation of the cost of land for different regions of Victoria to inform an assessment of the value of school outdoor sports facilities and the potential cost to government of purchasing the same amount of land to provide open space for the community. Read more here.
For more information on these projects, please contact Phil Manners or Fabian Kukla in our Sydney office or Ben McNair in our Canberra office.